The video contains a page that contains the content grid macro. The macro displays a mixed view of attachments and childpages of a specific chosen page.
In our example, the macro is configured in a way that the displayed content is not linked when the item is clicked. In general, for all pages and blog posts, a button is displayed below the excerpt, which links to the corresponding content. If you move the mouse over the attachments, their comment will be displayed as a caption over the image.
The editing view is then shown and the extensive setting options of this macro are presented to you.
Then the following settings are made:
a second source page is added to the existing source
only content of the attachment type should be displayed
the number of contents to be displayed per page is limited to 6
Finally, the current status is published and the page with the macro is loaded.
How about a live demo?
Regrettably, we are unable to furnish the macro to anonymous users at this time. This limitation stems from the fact that Atlassian Forge does not currently offer support for anonymous users in macros. We encourage you to cast your vote in favor of this functionality, enabling us to expedite the provision of the macro for anonymous users in the near future.