The feedback can be managed filtered by content, by space, or unfiltered on the overview page.
There are three different contexts in which you can access the content feedback.
Under the main navigation, go to "Apps → Content Feedbacks" to access the unfiltered page containing feedback from all spaces and contents.
Under the space navigation on the left, go to "Apps → Content Feedbacks" to access the feedback for space contents.
Under the content action navigation, go to "More actions → Content Feedbacks" to access the feedback for the current content.
In the table, you can see the status of each feedback. The feedback can be marked as closed to indicate that it has been addressed. Additionally, you can delete it if it is no longer needed. If feedback is accidentally closed, it can be reopened.
Use the export option below the table to download the feedback as a CSV file.
CQL Filter
Filter the feedback using the input and the capabilities provided by CQL. We will provide even more user-friendly options here.
If you select the title of the feedback, you will be directed to its detail page. Here you will find all information regarding the feedback.